Event Start Date

Monday, October 2, 2023 - 09:00

Event End Date

Monday, December 4, 2023 - 05:00
Uncci Elections


The election of the district officials and board members of the Uganda Nation Chamber of
Commerce and Industry (UNCCI) is a crucial process in ensuring effective representation and
leadership at the grassroots level.

These guidelines are designed to provide a transparent and fair framework for conducting
elections; enabling the election of capable and dedicated individuals who will contribute to
the growth and development of the chamber as provided under clause 68 of the Uganda
National Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

These guidelines are intended to provide a comprehensive framework for the election of
district officials and board members of the Uganda National Chamber of Commerce and
Industry. Adhering to these guidelines will ensure a transparent and democratic process,
enabling the election of capable leaders who will drive the chamber's mission forward.

  1. Electable positions
    Each district branch shall have the following elected officials;
    a. Chairperson
    b. Vice chairperson
    c. Secretary
    d. Co-ordinator
    e. Treasure
    f. Eight other members representing the main sectors in the branch.
  2. Eligibility criteria
    a. All fully paid up members of the Uganda National Chamber of Commerce and
    Industry are eligible to run for positions. Potential candidates must be in good standing
    with Chamber, adhering to all their membership requirements and obligations.
    b. All potential candidates must have a registered and operational business with a
    definite place of operation.
    c. Must be a person of proven integrity, experience and managerial skills.
    d. Must have not been convicted of a criminal offence
    e. Should not be a bankrupt
    f. Have minimum education qualification of Advance Level (“A” Level) certificate or the
    equivalent thereof with certification of such equivalence from Uganda National
    Examination Board.
    g. Candidates must have a clear understanding of the responsibilities and commitments
    associated with the respective positions.
    h. Candidate should have leadership skills
  3. Announcement and Nomination process
    The Branch office with the guidance of the commercial officer shall announce the upcoming
    district officials and board members elections two weeks in advance within the month of
    October 2023, providing details of the nomination process date.
    a. Members interested in running for positions should submit their nominations in writing to the
    branch offices within the specified timeframe.
    b. Nominees should clearly state the position they are running for and provide a brief
    statement outlining their qualifications, experience and vision for the branch.
    4. Elections Timeline
    The timeline for the election process is from 15th July to 15th December 2023. This will include
    voter registration, nomination and campaign, verification of candidates, elections, and
    swearing in.



  • Elections Road Map

    3. Announcement and Nomination process
    The Branch office with the guidance of the commercial officer shall announce the upcoming district officials
    and board members elections two weeks in advance within the month of October 2023, providing details of
    the nomination process date.
    a. Members interested in running for positions should submit their nominations in writing to the branch
    offices within the specified timeframe.
    b. Nominees should clearly state the position they are running for and provide a brief statement outlining
    their qualifications, experience and vision for the branch.
    4. Elections Timeline
    The timeline for the election process is from 15th July to 15th December 2023. This will include voter
    registration, nomination and campaign, verification of candidates, elections, and Swearing in.
Election Time Line

5. Voter registration
The election supervisory shall ensure the creation of an accurate and up-to-date voters
register, consisting of eligible members within the branch.
6. Campaigning
All candidates shall be allowed to campaign for their respective positions within the framework
of fairness, respect, and adherence to the chamber’s code of conduct
7. Voting process
The voting process shall be supervised by commercial officer in liaison with UNCCI
representative. Voting shall be conducted through a secure and confidential method, such
as secret ballot proper identification and verification procedure should be in place to prevent
fraudulent voting. The voting period shall be as stipulated in the Election Road Map.
8. Declaration of elected officials
The returning officer (District Commercial Officer), in the presence of UNCCI representative
declares the winner after counting the votes. A declaration form indicating the number of
votes casted, votes obtained by each candidate, and spoiled votes, shall be filled by the
retuning officer, and copies distributed as instructed in the form.
The dully filed declaration form shall be handed over to the UNCCI secretariat for processing
the delegates for the Annual Delegate conference.
9. Swearing-in ceremony
Once the election results are finalized, the newly elected officials should be officially sworn in.
The swearing in ceremony should be conducted in a formal setting, in the presence of the

For more information, Please contact the Membership Department. membership@chamberuganda.go.ug | Tel: +256753503035